Liberia: GPFA Trains Women as ‘Peace Brigades’

The Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GPDA), in partnership with the Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund and Spotlight Initiative, is training women as ‘Peace Brigades’ in five Liberian communities.

Development Diaries understands that the training, with the theme ‘Sustain the Peace’, is being held in Montserrado, Greater Monrovia, Todee, Careysburg, St. Paul River and Commonwealth.

The Programme Manager at GPDA, David S. Konneh, said, ‘We are training women in keeping the peace, to address violence against women in various communities. We will work in 75 communities in Monrovia and will be training ten women in each of the five communities to address violence against women and girls’ cases.

‘Look at how rape is on the increase in our society today, so we want women to address the issue instead of solving it.

‘The women will be involved in community engagement, community outreach, and social media, and the women are expected to come up with jingles to present at the end of their training’.

It was noted that 1,500 women will be trained during a period of 18 months in 66 communities of Grand Gedeh County.

A lawyer from the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL), Deddeh Zaza, lectured the participants on peace and security obligations during political and electoral violence and how to prevent their children from participating in electoral violence of any kind; while a member of the Liberia Female Law Enforcement Association (LIFLEA), Bennetta Holder Warner, spoke to the participants about monitoring and reporting SGVB cases.

At the end of the training, participants shared their various experiences about different kinds of violence occurring in their communities and also shared ideas on how to solve some of the ongoing problems in their communities.

Source: Front Page Africa

Photo source: Front Page Africa


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