Apply: FAO Capacity Building Specialists

Deadline: 27 January, 2021

Location: Kampala, Uganda

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is seeking to fill the role of Early Warning Capacity Building Specialists.

FAO is a specialised agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.


  • In consultation with the drought monitoring and early warning consultant and the field supervisor/head Of Moroto Office, design training materials, including manuals, for community data collectors, community leaders and representatives as well as district head of departments and early warning focal persons
  • Build the capacity of District Early Warning Focal Persons (DEWFP) through trainings and follow up regarding all components of DEWS with a focus on data analysis and production of timely drought bulletins
  • Take stock of the existing DEWS equipment from previous implementation and make recommendations on replacements, ensuring they are in safe custody and in good working condition for a functional and operationally active system
  • Ensure all equipment in the district needed for the functionality of the system are operational and active
  • Monitor the achievement of the districts and community and provide appropriate technical/advisory support where needed in regard to the DEWS in consultation with field supervisor and drought monitoring and early warning consultant
  • Facilitate and encourage buy-in of all the DEWS processes by DLGs including ownership and sustainability of the system through DLG budget allocations


  • Bachelor’s degree in Agro-Meteorology, Meteorology, Hydrology, Agriculture, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Sciences, or a related field
  • Five years, minimum, of relevant experience in drought management, disaster risk reduction, agricultural meteorology, data analysis, or disaster risk reduction and management
  • Knowledge of information technology and computer programming languages and/or data science is a plus
  • Nationality of Uganda
  • Working knowledge of English

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre


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