Apply: Elrha Humanitarian Innovation Fund

Deadline: 07 August, 2020

Elrha has launched the innovation challenge to increase the meaningful participation of people with disabilities and older people in humanitarian action.

The challenge aims to support innovative mechanisms that enable people with disabilities and older people to participate fully and effectively in decision making and in the processes for designing, developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating mainstream humanitarian programmes, policies, and interventions, as relevant.

It will also support the development of innovative means of assessing the effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms for participation.


  • A total budget of £900,000 is available for this challenge


  • The lead organisation applying must be a legally registered entity (e.g., civil society organisation including representative organisations, international non-governmental organisation, national non-governmental organisation, academic/research institution, government, private company, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, United Nations agency or programme)
  • Applications must consist of a partnership with at least one operational humanitarian organisation and at least one organisation for persons with disabilities (OPD) or older people’s association (OPA) working in the place of implementation
  • Applicants are not expected to have confirmed partnerships in place for the EOI stage but will be expected to provide evidence to demonstrate partnerships by the full proposal stage, such as a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or similar
  • The application must propose for enabling people with disabilities and older people to meaningfully participate in humanitarian decision-making and an innovative method for assessing the effectiveness of their proposed mechanism for participation
  • Each project is expected to last between 15 and 20 months

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Howard Lake


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