Enter: WTO Trade Economist Thematic Award

Deadline: 30 September, 2020

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has called for submission of entries for the WTO Trade Economist Thematic Award.

Trade experts at universities in developing countries are invited to submit case studies on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on trade and trade policy.

The papers are expected to provide important information on how countries’ trade policy responses are dealing with disruptions caused by the pandemic.


  • Author of winning paper will be rewarded with a prize of CHF 5,000
  • Author(s) of selected papers will be invited to present their papers at a WTO webinar


  • The papers submitted must be country or sector-specific, preferably using a theoretical and empirical approach that combines rigorous research with specific information on trade policy responses to the crisis
  • Trade experts at universities in developing countries may contribute to papers
  • The author(s) of the paper must possess a PhD/master’s degree or on the verge of completing a postgraduate degree programme
  • The academic institution awarding the degree must be located in developing countries that are WTO members or observers
  • In the case of co-authored papers, this requirement applies to all authors
  • Papers must not exceed 15,000 words

To enter and for more information, click here.

Photo source: World Trade Organisation


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