Deadline: 10 August, 2020
Applications are open for the UNDP Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP) in Ghana.
The fund is aimed at promoting the sustainability and upscaling of socio-ecological production of landscapes and seascapes (SEPLs) conservation approach, including efforts to promote institutional and financial sustainability of these landscapes and seascapes.
The main activities to be executed under this call include the conducting of consultations, dialogue and awareness-raising among key stakeholders on the community-based landscape management and participatory governance model to restore and sustain the resilience of ecosystems; and assessment and identification of possible and favourable institutionalisation/mainstreaming of the SEPLS model.
- Award of small grants are available for the most innovative initiatives
- Applicants must be local non-governmental or non-profit organisations
- Applicants must be operating in Ghana with valid registrar general’s department and social welfare certificates
- Applicant must have relevant experience and proven records in working with local communities in landscape ecosystem restoration, policy dialogue and participatory dialogue
- Membership of an existing CSO network will be an added advantage
To apply and for more information, click here.
Photo source: UNDP Ghana