Lesotho: Government Must Investigate Torture of Detainees

The alleged acts of torture and abuse inflicted upon detainees at the Maseru Correctional Centre Institution (MCCI) in Lesotho reflect human rights abuse and are a cause for concern.

Development Diaries reports that according to recent findings by the Lesotho Ombudsman, there has been a disturbing pattern of human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force, and denial of medical care to detainees at MCCI.

We understand that Lesotho Correctional Services (LCS) officers physically assaulted MCCI inmates on 22 December, 2023, causing noticeable injuries.

Inmates were beaten during a routine search operation, according to the Ombudsman’s investigation, which also revealed that recruits from the LCS training centre abused their power and that some officers were insensitive and negligent in their duties.

The rampant human rights abuses at the MCCI represent a grave violation of basic human dignity and justice.

Reports of torture, arbitrary detention, and deplorable living conditions within the facility paint a harrowing picture of systemic abuse and neglect.

Inmates, instead of receiving rehabilitation and support, are subjected to inhumane treatment that violates their fundamental rights as human beings. Such conditions not only undermine the rule of law but also erode trust in the justice system and government institutions tasked with upholding human rights standards.

The situation at MCCI demands urgent attention and action from both the Lesotho government and the international community.

Development Diaries calls on the Lesotho government to launch a rapid, unbiased, independent, transparent, and efficient investigation into the claims of mistreatment and torture meted out to detainees.

To guarantee accountability, the Commissioner of Correctional Services and the Minister of Law and Justice must hold individuals accused of being in charge of the abuses accountable and implement comprehensive reforms to the nation’s correctional system.

Photo source: Lesotho Street Journal


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