East Africa Bloc Members Meet over Master Plan

The East Africa bloc representatives are set to meet in Nairobi, Kenya, to assess the development of the regional infrastructure master plan due in December, the bloc has revealed.

The regional infrastructure master plan is aimed at enhancing regional economic integration through trade, free movement of goods and persons, and poverty reduction amongst the IGAD Member States.

Development Diaries understands that the two-day meeting seeks to educate and inform stakeholders on how to design projects in an environmentally and socially acceptable manner.

The meeting will be attended by over 50 development actors from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda.

According to development analysts, infrastructure development initiatives need to adhere to the right codes of environmental and social developmental requirements, espousing the motto of sustainable development.

The master plan, it is understood, will be covering the regional sub-sectors of transport, ICT, energy, and trans-boundary water resources.

Source: News Ghana

Photo source: Øystein Rød Tveito


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