Why You Should Exercise Daily

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and several cancers.

It also helps prevent hypertension, maintain healthy body weight and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being.

Data from the global health body also shows that one in four adults and 81 percent of adolescents do not do enough physical activity.

What is exercise?

Exercise refers to any physical activity deliberately carried out to improve physical health and fitness.

Why should you exercise?

One would agree that engaging in risky behaviours like driving drunk and smoking cigarettes can endanger one’s health.

Also, not doing anything at all – not moving a muscle – can also endanger one’s health.

According to the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease, even for people who have no other risk factors.

It can also increase the likelihood of developing other heart disease risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and type two diabetes.

Benefits of exercise

  • Exercise controls your weight
  • It helps reduce the risk of heart disease
  • It improves your mental health and your mood
  • It boosts your energy
  • It helps you sleep better and eliminates anxiety
  • Exercise also improves bones and musculoskeletal health

Everyone knows how difficult it can be for a beginner trying to build an exercise routine; it could take a bit of struggle at first but once one develops a routine, it all falls in place.

According to health experts, here are things to take note of when trying to build your exercise routine:

  • Evaluate your fitness level
  • Design your fitness programme; you should know how many days of the week you want to engage in exercise
  • Get together your fitness equipment/gear; this involves choosing the right shoes, fitness outfit, downloading fitness apps that can help you track your activity and heart rate, and so on
  • The next step is to get started, but remember to start slowly and build up gradually

It is important to note that simple physical activities that you can engage in include swimming; going for a walk; jogging and running; aerobics exercise classes; and cycling.

Activities as simple as these can get you started on your exercise journey; the most important thing is to start engaging in physical activities if you have not started already.

Photo source: Martin Novak/Moment/GettyImages


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