South Africa: Flooding Threatens Right to Education

South Africa

The recent storm-triggered flooding in Western Cape, South Africa, has forced 21 schools to shut down due to infrastructure and road damages.

Development Diaries reports that 249 schools in the province have been affected, according to data from Western Cape Education.

An intense rainfall on 24 September caused havoc on houses, roads, and infrastructure in Western Cape.

Already, education in the Western Cape region is being confronted with issues like efficiency and stability in the education system, high dropout rates, access to basic education and quality education.

With 21 schools closing down as a result of flooding, it could compound an already complex education situation.

The Western Cape Education Member in the Executive Council, David Maynier, said, ‘Infrastructure damages were reported by 150 schools out of the 249, ranging from minor leaks to major roof damage, and we are working to assess these damages at present.

‘Thirty-nine schools were closed on Tuesday, and this was reduced to 21 schools on Wednesday, with the vast majority as a result of access roads to school being blocked’.

Many of the schools open had low enrolment since students find it difficult to go to classrooms in flood-affected areas.

Development Diaries calls on officials of the Western Cape Education to ensure that the schools put catch-up programmes in place to prevent students from falling behind.

Photo source: AP


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