Roundup: Climate Change Concerns among Talking Points

Hello everyone! Welcome to another roundup of some top stories from last week.

The spending of 21 billion naira to build the official residence for Nigeria’s vice president at a time of economic hardship, President Bola Tinubu’s undermining of a climate change commission, and Angolan children’s care needs all got our attention.

N21 Billion VP Residence: Government Should Prioritise Well-Being of Masses

The spending of 21 billion naira to build the official residence for Nigeria’s vice president at a time of economic hardship in the country casts doubt on the federal government’s commitment to the welfare of citizens. President Tinubu and his team need to prioritise the reallocation of funds from non-essential projects to programmes that directly address the well-being of Nigerians. Read more

Aircraft Acquisition: Reps Committee Should Shelve Recommendation

The House of Representatives Committee on National Security and Intelligence recommended the federal government purchase new aircraft for the president and his vice. The committee should shelve its recommendation in light of the economic situation of the country. Doing this will demonstrate solidarity with citizens and will help in rechanneling funds to more critical sectors. Read more

13-Year-Old Tortured to Death: Government Must Ensure Justice

The operation of a soldier and members of the civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), which resulted in the tragic death of a 13-year-old boy in Kaduna State, northwest Nigeria, should be investigated for proper action. The Chief of Army Staff, Maj. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, should order a thorough investigation into the involvement of its personnel in this unacceptable act and bring perpetrators to book. Also, the Child Development Department in the Kaduna State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development has to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. Read more

Climate Change: Tinubu’s Creation of SPEC Undermines NCCC

President Bola Tinubu’s approval of the mandate for the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Action (SPEC) undermines a government institution established by law. To avoid further declines in public trust and confidence in the lawfully established NCCC, President Tinubu needs to reverse his approval for the creation of the SPEC office and allow the NCCC to carry out its mandate as backed by the Climate Change Act of 2021. Read more

DSS Warning against Protest: Nigeria Must Uphold Right to Peaceful Assembly

The Department of State Services (DSS) warning Nigerians against participating in a peaceful protest represents a troubling affront to democratic principles and civil liberties. The DSS has to respect the rights of every Nigerian to participate in a peaceful protest. The security agency should instead work with the police to provide security for citizens involved in peaceful demonstrations. Read more

Angola: Repatriated Children in Need of Care

Away from Nigeria, it is time for the government of Angola to ensure effective and adequate services are available for children and their families who have been repatriated. The Angolan government has to provide robust support systems that address the immediate needs of these children and foster long-term stability and integration into society. Read more

Uganda: Make Pre-Primary Education Free

It is time for the government of Uganda to provide access to free pre-primary education for all children to improve education in the country. The Ugandan government should strive to make at least one year of pre-primary education compulsory and free for all children and make additional years free over time. Read more

South Sudan: Release Arbitrarily Detained Government Critic

The recent arrest of a government critic by the South Sudanese government is a violation of fundamental human rights and democratic principles. The South Sudanese government should release Bak immediately in accordance with the country’s Minister of Justice’s decision. Read more

That is the roundup of some stories that made headlines last week. More headlines are available on Development Diaries or dev_diaries on IG and X, and development diaries on Facebook.


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