OGP Selects Candidates for 2020 Steering Committee

After an open nomination process and a public comment period, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Support Unit has announced the shortlisted Civil Society Candidates for the 2020 OGP Steering Committee (SC).

The shortlisted candidates include Malick Lingani of Association Beog-Neeré from Burkina Faso, Oluseun David Onigbinde of BudgIT from Nigeria, Lysa John of Civicus from South Africa, Glynnis Cummings-John of Restless Development from Sierra Leone, Stephanie Muchai of HIVOS from Kenya, amongst others.

The OGP Support Unit will be hosting series of webinars by June 15 to give the OGP civil society community and the candidates a chance to get to know each other, share priorities and discuss initial ideas.

Since the launch of OGP in 2011, civil society SC leaders have successfully elevated national issues through global conversations, playing an important role in the landmark reforms OGP has delivered to date. The OGP SC will create a space for renowned civil society leaders to steer the global open government agenda, in partnership with their government counterparts. Serving on the OGP SC as civil society representatives will place them at the heart of the global open government agenda and put them in a powerful position to advance causes they care about.

Source: Open Government Partnership

Photo source: Open Government Partnership


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