Nigeria: UNICEF and EU Employ 2,000 IDPs

As Nigeria continues its battle against the spread of Covid-19, 2,000 female internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Borno State have been employed by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the European Union (EU) to produce 12,000 bars of soap and 40,000 face masks.

UNICEF in a statement said that more than 2000 vulnerable households are to benefit from the materials as part of the efforts made to check the spread of Covid-19. Productions are being done at the UNICEF-supported vocational centres in the state capital, Maiduguri, and funded by the EU.

The Education Manager of UNICEF, Borno Field Office, Dr Nasser Kaddoura, in the released statement said, ‘Vocational centres which were producing free school uniforms for vulnerable girls and boys, will provide female-headed households and out-of-school youths in Borno State with another skill set in face masks and soap production. These centres will revert to [their] original purpose at the end of the pandemic along with new [Covid-19] related vocational training skills’.

Kaddoura continued, ‘UNICEF is working to ensure that children and families are safe and can return to school once the pandemic is over. We are currently supporting radio learning programme in the state. With the funding from the EU, UNICEF is supporting the Borno State Government through the State Agency for Mass Education [SAME], with 40,000 face masks to ensure that families and children are protected from [Covid-19]. In addition to handwashing with soap, properly using face masks can help prevent the spread of [Covid-19]’.

Concerning production procedures, Kaddoura said that strict safety guidelines have been put in place, with the provision of face masks, gloves, and handwashing points catered for at the centres. Social distancing has also been made compulsory at the centres.


Photo source: Mosaic36


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