Liberia: Last Well Improves Potable Water Access

Water is essential for everyday use. To this end, a charity organisation, Last Well, has provided potable water to some communities in Liberia through the construction of wells. The organisation’s mandate is to provide clean drinking water to every home in Liberia and end incidences of waterborne diseases in the country by the end of 2020.

The Citizen Action Committee, a coalition of civil society organisations, applauded Last Well for its enormous contributions to the water, sanitation and hygiene sector of the country. The Citizen Action Committee especially thanked Last Well for providing safe drinking water to Liberians living in rural areas. Acting Country Director of Last Well, Abdul Koroma, said that about 175,510 people living in rural communities  were targetted by his organisation’s project in the last 18 months.

He went further to add that Last Well is currently constructing over 460 new wells while also distributing 20,000 water filters in local communities. The organisation, however, called on Liberian government to partner with other NGOs, who share a mandate to provide clean drinking water, so that all Liberians can have access to water, without leaving anyone behind.

Source: Front Page Africa

Photo source: USAID/Morgana Wingard


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