Hardship: Tinubu Needs to Reconstitute ‘CSO-Less’ Economic Committee

President Bola Tinubu’s economic advisory committee without members of civil society and organised labour is incomplete.

Development Diaries reports that the president selected representatives from the federal and state governments as well as the organised private sector to work towards stabilising Nigeria’s economy.

We understand that the committee is expected to look at all the issues surrounding the economy, food security, and job creation.

In fact, the president, during the inauguration of the committee, stressed the need for additional efforts to assist the suffering Nigerians affected by poor economic policies.

But as noted by a civil society organisation (CSO), the Resource Centre for Human Rights and Civic Education (CHRICED), the makeup of the committee does not represent the interests of the downtrodden.

‘How can those who are unfamiliar with hunger possibly address the issue of hunger in our country?’, CHRICED Executive Director, Ibrahim Zikirullahi, questioned in a statement.

For instance, the crucial role played by civil society in Nigeria cannot be overemphasised, as it serves as a vital bridge between citizens and the government.

CSOs are the ones closest to the people at the grassroots and can conveniently communicate the needs of the people to the government.

Also, civil society represents the voices of various segments of society, including marginalised groups and those whose voices might otherwise be unheard in policymaking circles.

By including civil society in economic decision-making committees, President Tinubu can gain diverse perspectives that consider the needs and concerns of all citizens, especially those most vulnerable to economic shifts.

Furthermore, CSOs possess specialised knowledge, expertise, and grassroots connections that complement the government’s resources. Including civil society in this committee will enable the government to tap into these valuable resources, leading to more informed, evidence-based decision-making.

This is why we believe that the exclusion of civil society members and organised labour from this crucial committee is a wrong move.

Development Diaries, therefore, calls on President Tinubu to reconstitute the committee to include members of civil society, organised labour, people living with disabiilities and other marginalised groups to ensure the formulation of more responsive and inclusive economic policies.

Photo source: Presidency


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