Arrest of WikkiTimes Publisher: Stop Silencing Journalists


The report of an arrest warrant against Haruna Salisu, publisher of WikkiTimes, is troubling. It suggests another attempt to stifle press freedom in Nigeria.

Development Diaries reports that, according to a report by Sahara Reporters, a magistrate court in Bauchi State has issued a bench warrant of arrest against Haruna Mohammed Salisu, the WikkiTimes publisher.

It is understood that Salisu would be arrested for revealing how a member of the House of Representatives, Mansur Manu Soro, representing the Darazo/Ganjuwa federal constituency, allegedly diverted hundreds of millions in what appears to be fraudulent contracts through his associate in Bauchi State.

The order is also a direct affront to Nigeria’s constitution.

Section 39 of the 1999 constitution recognises that every Nigerian citizen, including journalists, has the right to freedom of expression and to disseminate information without fear of reprisal.

Therefore, silencing journalists for uncovering corruption undermines the role of the media in a democratic society.

Exposing corruption, particularly involving public officials, is a vital role of the media in holding power to account, and punishing journalists for doing their job undermines the democratic values of transparency and accountability.

Also, this move disregards the fundamental principles of accountability and transparency enshrined in Nigeria’s laws.

Journalists serve as watchdogs, and attempts to suppress their work erode the public’s right to be informed about matters of public interest.

Targeting a journalist for exposing corruption not only violates their rights but also threatens the country’s democratic foundations by allowing those in power to act with impunity.

Additionally, this action also contradicts international obligations Nigeria is a signatory to, such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which upholds press freedom as essential to democratic governance.

This attempt to stifle investigative reporting must be condemned in the strongest terms, and the rights of journalists must be protected to ensure a transparent and accountable society.

Development Diaries strongly calls for a reversal of the court’s decision to arrest Salisu, which appears to be a part of broader efforts to suppress freedom of speech and weaken the media’s role as a watchdog.

The Bauchi government, alongside all state governments and President Bola Tinubu, must ensure that journalists are protected, not persecuted, for fulfilling their duty to inform the public and promote justice.


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