Apply: SNV Contracting and Procurement Advisor

Deadline: 07 August, 2020

Location: The Hague, The Netherlands

SNV is seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Contracting and Procurement Advisor.

SNV’s mission is to make a lasting difference in the lives of millions of people living in poverty.


  • Oversee, develop and maintain SNV’s contracting and procurement policy area, accompanying guidance and tools to ensure efficient, competitive, transparent and compliant contracting and procurement across the organisation
  • Provide proactive backstopping support to selected SNV grants and service contracts, including advice on compliance requirements, specific procurement and contracting processes
  • Advise on, and support the contracting and procurement infrastructure in SNV country and global teams and within SNV’s broader policy and operational environment
  • Provide specialist advice on vendor and consultant and partner contract templates and negotiation processes at key moments during the project cycle, from proposal design and project execution
  • Based on evidence from backstopping to projects and advisory services, identify risks as well as systems and process improvements, proactively develop and implement solutions to ensure ongoing excellent contracting and procurement at SNV
  • Based on his/her expertise, understanding of relevant risks as well as the learning and evidence generated through his/her support, ensure effective learning between project, country and global team colleagues
  • Lead on the design and delivery of audience appropriate capacity development on contracting and procurement for SNV staff and partners


  • Master’s degree in Public Procurement, International Law, Commercial Engineering, or another relevant field
  • Seven years, minimum, of relevant and demonstrable experience working on contracting and procurement in an international development cooperation context
  • Expert knowledge of SNV’s key donor requirements (such as Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UK Department for International Development, European Union, Swedish and Swiss Development agencies, World Bank) as applied to contracting and procurement
  • Demonstrable experience of contract management
  • Experience of business development and managing international development projects is desired
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills, conceptual thinking, financial literacy and analysis

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: US Embassy South Africa


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