Apply: Royal Society Lisa Jardine Grant 2021

Deadline: 22 September, 2021

The Royal Society has opened applications for the 2021 Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme.

The Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme is designed to offer the opportunity for early career scholars to exploit history of science collections, including the Royal Society’s own, in support of their research in the field of intellectual history.

It encourages junior researchers in the humanities and arts to seek to expand their interests in history of science and related interdisciplinary studies by travelling in order to use archival resources and to build relationships with the Royal Society and other institutions.


  • Up to £2,000 per month for travel and living expenses while attending the Royal Society collections and other, nearby scholarly collections
  • Up to £2,000 for international travel to any relevant research destination, for short exploratory research trips (no more than one month) or one-off event attendance


  • Applicants must be either researchers holding PhDs awarded within the last ten years, in early research positions at universities and other eligible organisations
  • Applicant must hold a permanent or fixed-term contract for the duration of the award in an eligible organisation
  • Open to doctoral candidates with one year, minimum, of experience towards thesis stage
  • PhD students are encouraged to apply, but are advised to begin with smaller, exploratory visit travel grants

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: ILRI


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