Apply: GPE AU/Africa Liaison

Deadline: 24 July, 2020

Location: Washington, D.C, United States of America

In collaboration with the African Union (AU), the Global Advocacy and Public Policy Team of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for a short-term consultancy for the post of AU/Africa Liaison.

The GPE works with over 67 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, prioritising the poorest, the most vulnerable and those living in fragile and conflict affected countries. GPE mobilises financing for education and supports developing countries to build effective education systems founded on evidence-based planning and policies.


  • Support GPE’s principal liaison to the AU by serving as a key interlocutor for GPE at
    the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, particularly the AU’s Department of Human
    Resources, Science and Technology (AU-HRST)
  • Build awareness of GPE’s work at country level and its relevance, in support of GPE’s Effective
    Partnerships work
  • Support and reinforce GPE’s ongoing public policy and institutional relationships in Africa and
    help build out new ones
  • Identify and advise on opportunities for GPE leadership/partner countries to speak at public
    policy events/meetings held across the African continent, including talking points
  • Oversee coordination of, and provide advisory support for meetings between GPE’s leadership
    and high-level officials on public policy in Africa, including setting up bilaterals and preparing
  • Cover education related events held at AU and other fora
  • Assist the AU-HRST in its education advocacy agenda to build strong political will for education
    reforms, including more and better domestic financing for education
  • Support taking forward a high-level education advocacy agenda/strategy emanating from AU
    advocacy forums such as the C10, Specialised Technical Committee (STCs) on Education, Science,
    Technology and Innovation as well as Youth, Culture and Sport
  • Support AU efforts to coordinate and leverage partnerships to drive access, learning and
    relevance of education at country level (as set out in the continental education strategy for Africa
    [CESA 16-25]/and the Sustainable Development Goals)
  • Coordinate on joint advocacy efforts, including leveraging country learning, to position education
    at the highest political level to close gaps in national planning, implementation and financing for
    strengthened systems and transformative change at country level in support of the continent’s
    development aspirations
  • Engage in formal and informal dialogues and support the development of outcome documents,
    joint statements, and support AU efforts to follow-up on AU-GPE Memorandums of
  • Develop joint messaging on education in Africa for key moments and dialogues
  • Identify and advise on opportunities to position education through country members of GPE/AU,
    as well GPE and AU leadership, including through cross–sectoral collaboration e.g. AU End Child
    Marriage Campaign
  • Engage with partners involved in education at the level of the AU, also in support of GPE’s
    Effective Partnerships work


  • Master’s degree in a relevant discipline
  • Five years, minimum, of relevant professional experience in public policy, partnerships and advocacy as well as experience in the field of international development and education with a focus on Africa
  • Extensive contacts and proven relations at the AU and in the African development arena
  • Proven ability to work collaboratively with others by demonstrating flexibility and openness to
    diverse approaches
  • English fluency is required; French, fluency desirable
  • Ability to work quickly and effectively under pressure, prioritise and juggle multiple tasks within
    tight deadlines, and to deliver time-sensitive high-quality work
  • Demonstrated advanced level strength in written and oral communications
  • Exceptional research, analytical, quantitative and coordination skills
  • Creative and innovative approach to public policy and advocacy
  • Knowledge of and experience with the World Bank, AU or the GPE will be
    considered an asset

To apply and for more information, click here.

Photo source: COD Newsroom


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