Deadline: 15 May, 2020
For over 15 years, the Getty Images Editorial Grants Programme (GIEGP) has supported independent photographers in telling in-depth stories of personal and journalistic importance. The grant recipients have come from dozens of different countries, producing ambitious photoessays from even more. This year, the Coid-19 pandemic and subsequent travel restrictions have presented many such photographers with immense obstacles to where and how they work. But, as disruptive as it has been, it also presents the opportunity for photojournalists to show the wide-ranging impact of the pandemic on their own communities.
That is why Getty Images (GI) is restructuring this year’s Reportage Grants to offer eight awards of $5,000 each to photographers reporting stories related to the Covid-19 pandemic. They will give particular consideration to those working in their own cities or immediate regions. While many cities and countries are at different stages in the trajectory of the pandemic, its effects will be long-lasting most everywhere. Beyond the public health emergency, it is a story of economic and social dislocation, and potentially one of scientific and technological innovation. Smart photojournalism has the potential to illuminate our understanding of these issues in the months and years ahead.
Smart photojournalism is also carried out safely, and GI asks applicants to consider their health and that of their communities when conducting their work. They should also abide by local and national laws governing how journalists work and travel amid quarantine restrictions.
- Eight grants of $5,000 each will be awarded by independent judges, each selected by GI for his or her photography expertise and industry experience
- Selection will be based on judges’ determination of applicant’s ability to execute the submitted project with compelling visual narrative in documentary feature format, taking into account the calibre of portfolio, project merit and professional ability
- Each grant recipient will receive the full $5,000 following the public announcement of the winners
- Applicants must be at least 18 years old and presently engaged as a professional photojournalist
- A professional photojournalist, for the purposes of the Getty Images Grants for Editorial Photography, is one who derives the majority of his or her income from documenting issues and events through still photography
- Applicants may apply as individuals or teams
To apply and for more information, click here.
Photo source: Manhhai