Deadline: 02 June, 2020
The German Academic Exchange Service/Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) calls for applications for the In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme at the West African Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), University of Ghana. The programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development. To this end, scholarships are granted for development-related master’s or doctoral studies for individuals who plan to pursue a career in teaching and/or research at a higher education institution in Sub-Saharan Africa.
DAAD cooperates with WACCI by offering up to three In-Country and six In-Region scholarships for PhD studies at WACCI for the 2021 intake. In-Region Scholarships are aimed at students who want to participate in a study programme in a country of their home region (here: Sub-Saharan Africa/outside their home country). In-Country scholarships are aimed at students who want to study in their home country or in the country for which they have a residence permit.
- Annual tuition fees:
- First year: $7,399
- Second year: $10,200
- Third year: $10,200
- Fourth year: $5,700
- Annual study and research allowance: €920 (PhD)
- One time printing allowance: €800 (PhD)
- Monthly scholarship (accommodation, food, etc): €500 (PhD In-Country), €550 (PhD In-Region)
- Travel allowance (In-Region only): twice (beginning and end of scholarship)
- Health insurance (In-Region only)
- Applicants must have successfully completed a two-year university degree with above average results (second class upper division, minimum)
- Applicants must clearly show motivation and strong commitment
- Applicants must have thorough knowledge of the language of instruction
- Applicants must have generally completed their last university degree not more than six years ago at the time of application
- Applicants must be nationals or permanent residents of a Sub-Saharan African country
- Applicants should generally be a) staff member of a public university, b) candidates considered for teaching or research staff recruitment, c) from the public sector, d) alumni of the DAFI programme
- Female applicants and candidates from less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to participate in the programme
To apply and for more information, click here.
Photo source: IAEA Imagebank