Deadline: Ongoing
Addax and Oryx Foundation has announced a funding opportunity for proposals from nonprofits in Africa.
The foundation aims to fund focused, high-impact projects with a clear beginning-end-and-exit strategy and run by small organisations that have little or no access to large funders.
It gives preference to concrete projects that cover more than one of its key areas of focus – health, education, community development – with environmental stewardship cutting across all activities.
- Successful applicants will receive funding for project implementation
- Applicants must be registered nonprofits with proven experience and competence in the proposed area of activity
- Applicants must demonstrate budget efficiency and transparency in the use of funds
- Applicants must contribute to the eradication of the root causes of poverty in Africa
- Applicants must focus on the foundation’s four core areas of health, education, community development, and the environment
- Applicants must create a sustainable and measurable impact for the most underprivileged populations
- Applicants must ensure sustainable development by building skills and empowerment for the long-term
- Preference is given to projects that cover two or more of the foundation’s core areas, and to small organisations run by highly committed individuals who are directly involved in the projects they propose
To apply and for more information, click here.
Photo source: SuSanA Secretariat