13-Year-Old Tortured to Death: Government Must Ensure Justice

Gov Sani

The operation of a soldier and members of the civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), which resulted in the tragic death of a 13-year-old boy in Kaduna State, northwest Nigeria, should be investigated for proper action.

Development Diaries reports that the boy, Wisdom, was found dead inside his parents’ compound after being accused of stealing N10,000 from a neighbour and allegedly tortured by a soldier and civilian JTF members.

The torture of the 13-year-old teenager is an act that starkly violates the fundamental principles of human rights and dignity.

Such cruelty inflicted on a teenager, who should be under the protection and care of the state, is a gross abuse of power and a profound betrayal of trust by those tasked with ensuring safety and order.

It is understood that the family of the deceased and residents of Ungwan Maigero community in the Chikun area of Kaduna State are demanding justice over the death of Wisdom.

The tragic consequence of this torture amplifies the gravity of this atrocity and also reflects the devastating impact of unchecked brutality and the utter failure of systems meant to safeguard vulnerable citizens.

It is also a grave violation of section 11 of the Child Rights Act, which provides that ‘no child shall be‐ (a) subjected to physical, mental or emotional injury, abuse, neglect or maltreatment, including sexual abuse; (b) subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, (c) subjected to attacks upon his honor or reputation’.

This incident also calls for an urgent response from both government and non-governmental organisations to address mental health issues, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children and adolescents.

Development Diaries calls on the Chief of Army Staff, Maj. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, to order a thorough investigation into the involvement of its personnel in this unacceptable act and bring perpetrators to book.

We also call on the Child Development Department in the Kaduna State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

Photo source: Kaduna State Government


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