UNFCCC/CDM International Photo and Video Contest 2013

The UNFCCC secretariat invites you to participate in a contest aimed at highlighting the benefits of the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism and the importance of market-based approaches in the international response to climate change. The two categories of the contest – photo and personal video – are meant to inspire participants to communicate a complex message in a way that might surprise, entertain and provoke thought. In short, we’re looking for striking images and interesting videos that showcase CDM projects or their related benefits.

The winning works will be displayed in a dedicated booth at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Warsaw in November 2013, while short-listed entries could feature prominently in important print and promotional material, on the UNFCCC website and social media. If you can illustrate the benefits of the CDM in a simple and exciting way then share your submission with us! Show off your work, show off the benefits of the CDM, and help promote sustainable development and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

UNFCCC/CDM Photo Contest 2013

Whether you are a professional or an amateur photographer, send us your best photos on the theme “CDM Changing Lives” and help the world learn about the value of the CDM and market-based approaches to combat climate change.


We’re looking for striking images that showcase CDM projects or their related benefits. Whether it’s a photo highlighting a climate-friendly project or related benefits in health, sanitation, infrastructure development, rural electrification or some other area, we want to see your vision of this remarkable mechanism.

Photos will be judged on originality, technical excellence, artistic merit, and their persuasiveness in telling the story of the CDM on the theme “Changing Lives”. The Wow Factor is also very important, so we’ll be looking for photos able to grab the viewer’s attention and hold it.

Have a winning shot? Then send it in and help change lives!

Submission deadline: 30 September 2013

CDM Photo Contest Rules

UNFCCC/CDM Video Phone Contest 2013

We invite you to grab a video–enabled phone and record yourself completing the phrase: “People should know about this CDM project because?” or “People should know about the CDM because?”, all in 30 seconds or less.

We will be looking for videos that highlight the benefits of a registered CDM project and/or able to explain in a clear and concise way how the
CDM is contributing to the international response to climate change and sustainable development.
Judging will be based on originality and effectiveness in answering the phrases “People should know about this CDM project because?” or “People should know about the CDM because?”.
We’d love to receive your submission!

Submission deadline: 30 September 2013


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