Tanzania: Rural Ukonga Gets Free Medical Services

Rotary Tanzania has provided free medical care to the underserved population of the Ukonga Ward of Dar es Salaam in an effort to help increase access to primary health care services in the country.

Development Diaries reports that the medical campaign was carried out through the Rotary Family Health Days (RFHD), which seeks to bring healthcare services closer to families.

Some of the services provided were malaria testing and preventive education, eye tests, dental check-ups, menstrual hygiene support, and access to medication and specialist referrals as needed.

While the President Samia Saluhu Hassan-led administration has recorded some progress in building new regional hospitals, there is still a need for greater investment in primary health care to reduce barriers and cost burdens, especially in rural communities.

Speaking during the community medical campaign at Mzambarauni Primary School, Dar es Salaam, the RFHD Country Coordinator, Harish Bhatt, said the aim was to help the community to prosper in various areas, including health.

‘Through the RFHD initiative, we provide free medical health care and education, and we are targeting to benefit five thousand residents (3,500 students and 1,500 adults) in this area’, Bhatt said.

According to him, there is a need for private and development partners to support the government in ensuring health care services reach those in need.

Photo source: WHO


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