Tanzania: Government Should Materialise Plans to Stop Flooding


With about 58 people now confirmed dead as a result of severe flooding in Tanzania, the country’s government must begin to put measures in place to mitigate future casualties from similar events.

Development Diaries reports that at least 126,831 people have been affected by the flooding that hit Tanzania’s coastal areas.

More than 75,000 farms have also been damaged in the coastal and Morogoro areas

While April marks the peak of Tanzania’s rainy season, we understand that the El Nino phenomenon has exacerbated the situation as it continues to impact climate events across the world.

‘From April 01 to April 14, 2024, there were 58 deaths caused by the heavy rains, which led to flooding’, government spokesman Mobhare Matinyi said in a statement, stressing that the country’s coastal region was one of the worst affected.

‘Serious flood effects are experienced in the coast region where 11 people have so far died’.

Key infrastructure has also been damaged while those living in flood-prone areas are being urged to move.

While he further explained that the country plans to construct 14 dams to prevent flooding in the future, the government must prove its intent by bringing its plans to life to avoid future loss of lives and property.

Source: Aljazeera

Photo source: Africa in focus


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