Sumpe Community: FCT Residents in Need of Water Intervention

The Bwari Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) need to come to the aid of residents of Sumpe community who are lamenting over a lack of potable water.

Development Diaries reports that the community has been getting its water from a dirty pond for the past three years since their borehole stopped working, according to a report by Daily Trust.

We understand that early in the morning, the villagers journey to the pond, where they use calabashes to scoop water for drinking and other household purposes.

According to the report, the pond has been the only source of water in the community, and the fact that herders sometimes lead their cows to drink from the same pond has instilled fear of a possible outbreak of water-borne diseases.

The Bwari area council needs to take swift and effective action to address this fundamental need because access to clean and safe drinking water is a basic human right, essential for health, sanitation, and overall well-being.

In Nigeria, where waterborne diseases like cholera and typhoid are prevalent due to contaminated water sources, ensuring access to clean drinking water is crucial for preventing illness and saving lives, particularly among the most vulnerable populations, such as children and the elderly.

If the lack of water access is due to issues with existing infrastructure, the authorities should prioritise repairing and maintaining these systems to restore access to clean water.

While long-term solutions are being planned, immediate relief measures like setting up temporary water distribution points or providing water tankers to the affected areas should be implemented to provide temporary access to clean water.

Development Diaries calls on the Chairman of Bwari Area Council, John Gabaya, to work towards improving investment in water infrastructure and management systems for the people of Sumpe.

Photo source: Borgen Project


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