Sudan Crisis: UN Seeks Life-Saving Support

The United Nations (UN) has appealed for three billion dollars to provide immediate life-saving support to millions of people in Sudan and also for those fleeing the country.

Development Diaries reports that the humanitarian needs in the country continue to rise as the death toll from the fighting in Sudan mounts and displacement grows.

The Humanitarian Response Plan for Sudan has been revised due to the soaring needs and now requires U.S.$2.56 billion, an increase of $800 million from just a few months ago, to help 18 million people until the end of this year, making it the largest appeal ever issued for Sudan.

‘This conflict is a cruel blow for the people of Sudan, already staggering under the weight of a desperate humanitarian situation’, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, said in a statement.

‘The desire, willingness and impatience of humanitarian agencies to deliver remains as strong as ever.

‘The signing of the Declaration of Commitment was a welcome first step towards protecting civilians and delivering aid safely.

‘But now we need the generosity of the international community to scale up our response and reach all those in need’.

The most urgent immediate needs include water and sanitation, food, shelter, health, cash assistance and core relief items.

It is understood that over 220,000 refugees and refugee returnees have fled the country, with many Sudanese escaping to Chad and Egypt, and South Sudanese refugees returning home in adverse conditions.

Without an urgent resolution, many more will be forced to flee in search of safety and basic assistance.

Source: UNHCR

Photo source: UNHCR


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