Submit: UNDP Youth4 Business Innovation Proposals

Deadline: 30 November, 2020

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited (SUHL), has announced a call for proposals for Open Innovation Challenge Fund.

The challenge is intended to provide competitive matching grant awards as well as mentoring, capacity building, and entrepreneurship development training to youth-owned MSMEs.


  • Successful applicants can receive between US$10,000 and US$40,000 in cash and/or in-kind support (goods and services)
  • Successful applicants may also receive 12 months of tailored business development services and enterprise development training


  • Applicant must be a firm/joint venture recognised under the laws of Uganda with a business license readily available for verification
  • Applicant must be an established operational firm/joint venture in business for at least 12 months ending 31 March, 2020
  • Applicant must be a firm operating in the development minerals sub-sector, with a product or service on the market; or a not-for-profit social enterprise founded/owned by a youth with a financially viable and sustainable business model; and able to demonstrate a track record of at least 12 months of business operations ending 31 March, 2020
  • Applicant must be financially viable, socially responsible, environmentally friendly, and culturally sensitive firm willing and able to match the grant award with own resources of at least 20 percent of the grant award in-cash and the rest in kind
  • Applicants must demonstrate capacity and dedication to implement their innovation and or scale their businesses and demonstrate sound financial performance and practices.

To submit and for more information, click here.

Photo source: Amref Health Africa


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