South Africa: YIF, PASA to Help Needy Communities

Yusuf Islam Foundation (YIF) and Penny Appeal South Africa (PASA) have announced their partnership with the aim of helping vulnerable communities across South Africa. This move is part of their Peacetrain Initiative. The next stage of the partnership will see the Yusuf Islam Foundation fund a project aimed at supporting vulnerable communities. The funding will ensure that Penny Appeal can implement and provide a range of sustainable interventions for the transformation within the communities.

PASA, which is a registered non-profit relief and development organisation, says that it has identified ten communities across the Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal provinces that are in dire need of nutrition support. The organisation said that the funding will aid in their fight in ending hunger, achieving food security, and promoting sustainable agriculture while including elements of promoting healthy lifestyles.

The Chief Executive Officer of PASA, Shahnaaz Paruk said, ‘South Africa is faced with three major threats, namely: poverty, unemployment, and inequality’. He added, ‘[T]he Yusuf Islam Foundation has shown its long-term commitment to the people of South Africa and in an extremely critical time in our country, this on-going support will allow us to continue advocating for families struggling with: adequate access to food, healthcare, screening, awareness sessions, and sustainable solutions to food insecurity. All interventions are aimed at addressing immediate and long-term hunger relief and transformation of communities’.

It was stated that the Peacetrain Initiative will include mobile vehicles visiting selected communities monthly. Families will receive food packs and, for every visit, there will be regular health awareness sessions focused on a variety of topics, ranging from early cancer screening to HIV/AIDS awareness sessions.

Paruk concluded, ‘[D]istribution days to the communities will also serve as awareness days that will benefit families including activities such as breast cancer screenings, HIV/Aids voluntary testing, financial awareness, and career guidance. Penny Appeal South Africa will be working with community leaders to identify families and safe distribution points in each community’.

Source: Media Update

Photo source: USAID Biodiversity and Forestry


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