South Africa: GSC Tackles Gender-Based Violence

The Global Shapers Community (GSC), an initiative of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has launched a platform for South Africans to report gender-based violence in the country. The initiative calls for all citizens to take responsibility for societal norms that need to be addressed and changed in the campaign against rape culture and domestic abuse.

At the heart of the initiative is a compact. Anyone who signs the compact is pledging to be a solution maker in the campaign to end gender-based violence in South Africa. The are five pledges in the compact: ‘Taking action and advocating’, ‘Speaking out’, ‘Listening and supporting’, ‘Raising awareness and advocating’,‘Educating myself and others’.

The GSC is a network of youth who are driving action, dialogue and change.

Source: South Africa the Good News

Photo source: Wikimedia Commons


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