South Africa: Action Needed to Aid Learners with Disabilities 

The learners with disabilities at Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa, face various challenges that demand attention.

Development Diaries reports that the learners have been turned away from the school because renovations, which caused the school to shut down last year after parents complained of poor conditions, have still not been completed.

According to a report by GroundUp, learners with disabilities arrived with their luggage and uniforms to start the new term on Wednesday but were turned away at the gates.

It is understood that parents were shocked to discover that renovations being carried out on the school’s hostel were still not done.

The prolonged delay in hostel renovations at the Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School is utterly condemnable.

Such neglectful inaction reflects a disregard for the basic infrastructure needs of the nation’s educational institutions and also demonstrates a lack of empathy towards the vulnerable learners attending the school.

The dilapidated state of the hostels compromises the safety and well-being of the students and also undermines their ability to learn effectively.

Every day that passes without addressing these renovations is a day robbed from these learners, denying them their fundamental right to access a conducive learning environment.

Beyond the physical hazards posed by deteriorating infrastructure, the psychological toll on the students is profound.

The delay in renovations is forcing these students to live in substandard conditions, which erodes their dignity and self-esteem, worsening the challenges they already face due to their disabilities.

The Eastern Cape Department of Education needs to take urgent action to speed up the renovations, ensuring that these learners are afforded the dignified and inclusive educational experience they deserve.

Photo source: GroundUp


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