Sheikh Gumi and ‘Satanic’ Wike: Our Concerns

Sheikh Ahmad Gumi’s labelling of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Minister, Nyesom Wike, as ‘Satanic’ is worrisome.

Development Diaries reports that Sheikh Gumi, in a video sermon posted on his official Facebook page, labelled Wike as ‘Satan’ for receiving the Israeli Ambassador to Nigeria in his office in Abuja, the nation’s capital.

The popular cleric further mentioned that it is dangerous to entrust Christians and southerners in Nigeria with the country’s national security.

In the translated statement, the cleric said, ‘The Minister of the FCT is a Satanic person; I said it before when he was appointed and some people were grumbling. He has gone and brought the Israeli Ambassador; that [is] what someone sent, and I have yet to watch it.

‘But what is confirmed is [that] he said they will collaborate with the Israelis on Abuja’s security issues. Abuja will now become an extension of Tel Aviv and when they see anyone with a beard like us, they will say it is Bin Laden and we will be killed’.

Sheikh Gumi’s comments can also be described as ‘hate speech’, which poses a significant danger to the polity due to its potential to undermine social cohesion, incite violence, and erode democratic principles.

While it is within the Sheikh’s rights to criticise a public official, using religion against the minister is reckless, and that could stir religious tensions in the country.

Religious leaders hold a unique and influential position within their communities, guiding and shaping the beliefs and values of their followers.

However, when they make reckless utterances, the consequences can be far-reaching and dangerous. Such statements can fuel religious extremism, incite violence, and sow discord among different faith groups.

Moreover, reckless remarks from religious leaders can undermine the principles of tolerance, respect, and peaceful coexistence, which are often at the core of religious teachings.

In a world growing more interconnected by the day and where news travels quickly across social media, these remarks have an international effect that increases religious conflicts and fosters intolerance.

It is crucial for religious leaders to exercise responsibility and thoughtfulness in their communication to promote harmony and understanding within and beyond their faith communities.

Development Diaries advises Sheikh Gumi to report his security concerns to a constituted authority instead of making inciting comments.

We also call on the Department of State Services (DSS), whose duties include the prevention, detection and investigation of threats to the country’s national security, to investigate the claims made by the cleric.


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