Schoolchildren Abduction: Another Failure of Intelligence Gathering in Nigeria

The renewed abduction of schoolchildren in Nigeria is a grave concern that requires urgent and decisive action from the government.

Development Diaries reports that after the abduction of over 200 children in Kaduna State, 15 others were reportedly kidnapped in Gidan Bakuso, Sokoto State.

Already, the impact of kidnapping on education outcomes in Nigeria has been devastating and far-reaching.

The constant threat of abduction has created a climate of fear and insecurity among students, parents, and teachers alike, leading to decreased school attendance and engagement.

How long will such trauma continue for both children and their parents?

It is about time that President Bola Tinubu’s administration demonstrates its commitment to protecting its citizens, particularly vulnerable schoolchildren, and creating a safer environment conducive to learning and development.

Again, we remind President Bola Tinubu of his promise to implement security measures to curb these attacks. In fact, during his campaign for office, the president promised to set up a specialised anti-terrorist squad to especially protect communities from terrorists, kidnappers, and bandits. For how long should Nigerians await the implementation of this measure?

The need for Nigerian security operatives, especially the intelligence community, to be proactive is paramount in addressing the country’s myriad security challenges.

Intensive efforts should be put into deploying adequate security personnel, installing surveillance systems, and implementing access control measures to prevent unauthorised individuals from entering school premises.

If this attack on education is not nipped in the bud, the ripple effects will be felt not only in the immediate disruption of education but also in the compromised future of young people in the country.

While we reiterate our call on the Nigerian police and other security operatives to secure the safe return of the abductees, we urge President Tinubu to order the strengthening of all of Nigeria’s intelligence agencies to be more effective in detecting and preventing attacks.

Photo source: Getty Images


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