Rotimi Olawale’s Leadership Impact

The Executive Director of YouthhubAfrica, Rotimi Olawale, has earned an accolade for exemplifying an employer-employee relationship rooted in mutual respect and love.

Employer-employee relationship is vital to business or organisation success, as strong relationships can lead to greater employee happiness and even increased productivity.

The youth development expert, according to former Programme Officer at YouthhubAfrica, Agboola Akinola Afees, is a leader worthy of emulation.

In a farewell message on his Facebook page, Agboola said he enjoyed every bit of his relationship with his former boss, describing him as a ‘beautiful leader’.

Agboola, who joined the organisation as a Programmes Assistant on Education and Girl-Child Literacy in 2020, handled several projects and programmes that contributed to the shaping of the education and development of millions of children in Nigeria.

‘I must say Rotimi Olawale was not just an exemplary executive director but also a beautiful leader.

‘Someone worthy of emulating and I enjoyed every bit of our relationship, the tasks we co-worked on, the brainstorming sessions, and the several lessons I have gained from his personality and unsaid actions’.

Rotimi, a graduate of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, where he studied Accounting, cofounded YouthhubAfrica a decade ago.

YouthHubAfrica is a nonprofit providing opportunities for African youths through programmes and policy advocacy in education, girl-child literacy, sexual reproductive health, and governance and accountability.

The organisation has staff and volunteers, who are mainly young people, working at the headquarters in Abuja, and with volunteer presence in Lagos, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Ghana.

‘I had the opportunity to work with one of the best teams you can find anywhere’, Agboola added.

‘A team of vibrant, energetic, effervescent, deep-thinking, friendly, supportive, effective, and efficient, young and not-too-young-not-too-old development workers shaping development issues especially in the area of girl-child development in Nigeria in policy advocacy and programming’.

Rotimi, for more than ten years, has been involved in leading youth advocacy efforts mainly around the Millennium Development Goals.

In 2017, as a result of his advocacy with the other Malala Fund Education Champions in Nigeria, the eighth Senate passed the amendment to the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Act, which would guarantee every child in Nigeria the right to 12 years of education.

Meanwhile, Rotimi and other Malala Fund education champions in the country are working to ensure the ninth National Assembly passes the amendment as well.

He was listed by the Nigerian government as one of 15 Nigerian youths on the world stage in 2008. Rotimi is consulted by many national and international agencies, including World Bank, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Africa Development Bank (AfDB), the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the African Union Youth Division, on various issues related to youth policies and development.

It is understood that Rotimi carries a camera with him on his frequent trips, taking pictures of people, and things that tickle his fancy.

Source: Agboola Akinola Afees 

Photo source: Agboola Akintola Afees


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