Nigeria: WACSI to Validate Nonprofits for Google

The conflagration of the Covid-19 crisis has shown the importance of technological solutions for business, governments and indeed other organisations, as people are required to work remotely as a measure to mitigate the spread of the deadly Covid-19. In response to these challenges, West African Civil Society Institute (WACSI) is working with TechSoup to launch in Ghana and Nigeria a new programme called Google for Nonprofits.

WACSI, which will validate civil society organisation according to a global standard as part of its role in the collaboration, has stated that Google for Nonprofits will offer nonprofits the tools and resources to promote their work and also collaborate and work smarter. Through the programme, Ghanaian and Nigerian civil society organisations will gain access to several of Google’s paid products, tools, and services at no cost. The tools and services on offer include G-Suite for Nonprofits, Ad Grants, YouTube Nonprofit Programme, Google Earth and Google Maps.

WACSI said that G-Suite for Nonprofits will help organisations collaborate online more efficiently, providing business applications like Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Drive, and Hangouts Meets. Ad Grants will provide up to $10,000 a month of in-kind advertising on Google Search, which is expected to help in raising awareness for organisations and causes, attracting donors and raising donations. WACSI also said that the YouTube Nonprofit Programme will offer premium features to reach a global audience and amplify organisation’s causes on their YouTube channels. While Google Earth and Google Maps are to give access to compelling data visualisation tools to track and share the impact of civil society organisations.

Source: West African Civil Society Institute

Photo source: Thomas Hawk


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