Nigeria: CIVIC Condemns Killing of Civilians

The Centre for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) has condemned the killing of at least 50 civilians by a militant armed group in Rann, Borno State, northeast Nigeria.

Rann is adjacent to the border with Cameroon and home to a camp for internally displaced persons.

‘Civilians are being targeted over and over again in northeast Nigeria. They continue to be slaughtered with impunity while farming and seeking livelihoods’, CIVIC Country Director in Nigeria, Benson Olugbuo, said in a statement.

‘We utterly condemn this attack and urge all parties to the conflict, state and non-state armed actors alike, to refrain from targeting and harming civilians. The perpetrators of civilian killings should be held accountable.

‘This attack is only one among many attacks that continue to threaten the lives and livelihoods of civilians in northeast Nigeria.

‘Nearly 13 years after the start of the armed insurgency, women, men, and children are still living in fear, fleeing from one location to another and wondering when and where the next attack will be’.

The nonprofit also urged the Nigerian government to scale up security patrols in Borno State to reassure civilians and allow them to farm and carry out other livelihood-related activities.

Source: CIVIC

Photo source: Nigerian Army


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