Mozambique: Malaria Consortium Begins Campaign

Malaria Consortium Director for Mozambique, Maria Rodrigues, has emphasised the need for a community awareness drive to ensure success of anti-malaria campaign.

Speaking in Malema, in the northern province of Nampula, Rodrigues stressed that community members needed to understand the benefits of this approach.

Rodrigues spoke at the launch of anti-malaria campaign in the districts of Malema and Mecuburi.

‘Every stakeholder must strive for the success of the campaign which is happening for the first time in Mozambique’, Rodrigues said at the launch of the pilot-phase of the project.

According to the non-governmental organisation (NGO), by February 2021, the campaign should have reached 80,000 children aged from three to 59 months.

It is understood that in Malema, the campaign will target 36,719 children under five years of age.

Also, 336 community agents, 34 local supervisors, as well as 14 health experts are participating to ensure the success of the campaign.

Nampula is understood to be Mozambique’s most populous province with over six million inhabitants.

Malaria Consortium is an NGO that specialises in the prevention, control and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases.

Source: AIM

Photo source: GSK


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