Mozambique: Humanitarian Intervention Needed


The violence in northern Mozambique has continued to disrupt livelihoods and economic activities, pushing already vulnerable populations deeper into poverty.

Development Diaries reports that over 80,000 people have had to flee Cabo Delgado in 2024 alone, following attacks from armed groups, according to figures from Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

According to the findings of MSF, displaced families are in urgent need of food, shelter, relief items and health care.

This conflict has unleashed a wave of terror, resulting in widespread displacement, loss of life, and dire humanitarian consequences.

Civilians, including women and children, have borne the brunt of the violence, facing targeted attacks, abductions, and widespread human rights abuses. Villages have been raided, homes destroyed, and communities uprooted, leaving behind a trail of devastation and despair.

The humanitarian fallout of this crisis is profound, as hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and forced to flee their homes in search of safety and shelter.

Many have sought refuge in overcrowded camps or with host communities, straining already limited resources and worsening vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the displacement crisis has led to acute food shortages, malnutrition, and inadequate access to essential services such as healthcare and education.

We understand that displaced persons have been highly traumatised by violence, as some people experience anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and isolation.

Also, most families have experienced or witnessed extreme violence including killings, sexual violence, kidnappings, extortion, and villages being burnt.

People are forced to escape regularly due to the ongoing violence.

It is about time that the humanitarian crisis in northern Mozambique is addressed, and this requires an approach that will prioritise the protection of civilians, ensure unhindered humanitarian access, and address the root causes of the conflict.

Development Diaries calls on the Mozambican government to work with international humanitarian organisations and regional partners to provide life-saving assistance, promote reconciliation, and support efforts to build sustainable peace and stability in the region.

Also, the government must respond urgently to alleviate the suffering of displaced persons, uphold human rights, and prevent further escalation of violence in the pursuit of lasting peace and security.

Source: MSF

Photo source: MSF


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