Mozambique: AfDB Provides Electricity Support

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a grant of U.S.$33.25 million to Mozambique to implement the Songo-Matambo electricity transport line project.

Development Diaries reports that the grant is from the transition support facility, a financial instrument of the bank specifically for states undergoing transition.

According to the bank, the project aims to increase the reliability and security of Mozambique’s electrical supply and to promote regional integration of the electricity network and the trade in electrical power.

The bank noted that the project beneficiary area is the province of Tete, which is located in the Zambezi Valley Development Corridor, in the border area with Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The province comprises 15 districts: Angónia, Changara, Chiúta, Chifunde, Cahora Bassa, Dôa, Marara, Marávia, Macanga, Moatize, Mutarara, Mágoè, Tsangano, Zumbo and the city of Tete.

Mozambique faces significant challenges in its electricity sector, hindering the country’s economic development and quality of life for its citizens.

One of the primary issues is the insufficient and unreliable power infrastructure, characterised by frequent power outages and an inadequate electricity supply. The existing infrastructure struggles to meet the growing energy demands of Mozambique’s expanding population and emerging industries.

Data from the International Trade Organisation (ITA) reveals that only 34 percent of Mozambique’s population has access to electricity, despite the country’s enormous potential for power production.

This is brought on by an inadequate transmission and distribution infrastructure, a dearth of funding, and the bureaucracy associated with creating new power projects.

Source: AfDB

Photo source: AfDB


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