Malawi: NCT Campaigns against Cutting of Trees

Executive Director of Ntchisi Conservation Trust (NCT), Luke Makuluni, has raised concerns over the cutting of trees for charcoal making in Malawi.

The non-governmental organisation (NGO) has therefore embarked on a fundraising campaign tagged ‘Greening Chinthembwe’ to raise money for tree restoration and tree seedling nursery establishment.

‘We are aiming at planting 50,000 trees in the 2020/21 tree planting season in order to counter-attack the negative impacts of climate change in the area due to charcoal production’, Makuluni told Malawi News Agency.

Makuluni said that cutting of trees has led to the loss of huge forest cover in the area.

‘This has even affected water supply and sanitation eventually as communities, especially women and girls, move long distances in search of water’, he said.

‘It is against this background that this project seeks to address systematic forest degradation by adopting some innovative reforestation approach’.

He said that the campaign had been designed to run for 30 day.

Source: Malawi News Agency

Photo source: Kohei314


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