Malawi: CADECOM Offers Small-Scale Farmers Advice

Catholic Development Commission (CADECOM) has challenged small-scale farmers in Dedza to put in more efforts in their fight against climate change to ensure food sustainability.

This move was made at a meeting attended by farmers and governmental district duty bearers in Dedza.

Development Diaries learnt that, at the meeting, the programme coordinator of the organisation, Aaron Kandiwo Mtaya, said that the farmers needed to actively involve relative stakeholders in environmental and agricultural affairs.

He said, ‘The aim was to let the farmers present their climate change-related grievances to relevant authorities face-to-face and get feedback.

‘CADECOM has noted lack of coordination between stakeholders as evidenced through community concerns presented. We have taken note of the community’s concerns presented as well as responses were given by the authorities. As CADECOM, we will follow up on these issues and track progress to make sure that this meeting is fruitful’.

The representative of the Group Village Headman, simply noted as Chikumba, expressed gratitude to CADECOM for its intervention in alleviating devastating effects caused by climate change.

‘Luckily, CADECOM trained us to practice crop diversification, livestock farming, irrigation, and planting trees. For that, we are grateful because we now manage to sustain ourselves’, he said.

Source: Mana Online

Photo source: Find Your Feet


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