Malawi: Addressing El Niño-Induced Drought

The devastating impacts of El Niño-induced floods and drought in Malawi have heightened the crucial need for increased humanitarian assistance.

Development Diaries reports that around nine million people in Malawi are reeling from the devastating impacts of the floods and droughts, according to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

From our understanding, the drought that was induced by El Niño has severely affected the harvest of maize this season, and this has led to a 45 percent decline, worsening the country’s vulnerability to food insecurity and economic instability.

The impacts of El Niño have also led to crop failures due to reduced rainfall and prolonged dry spells, leading to decreased agricultural productivity, which is particularly devastating in a country where the majority of the population relies on subsistence farming for their livelihoods.

According to WFP, about 40 percent of the population could face acute hunger by the end of the year because of the drought.

The socioeconomic consequences are far-reaching, with heightened food prices, loss of income, and increased pressure on already strained social services, increasing poverty and inequality across the nation.

While it is important to prioritise emergency assistance, there is a need for the government of Malawi and development partners to invest in sustainable solutions that address the root causes of vulnerabilities.

Development Diaries joins the WFP in calling for international cooperation and support for the country. This is vital in addressing the underlying drivers of vulnerability and facilitating adaptation to climate change in Malawi.

Source: WFP

Photo source: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT


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