Liberia: What You Should Know about Elections

Liberia Elections

Liberia’s National Elections Commission (NEC) will begin the release of provisional results of Tuesday’s general election later on Wednesday, 11 October.

Development Diaries reports that about 2.4 million citizens were eligible to vote in the national elections.

The elections are to determine the country’s next president and members of parliament.

Although campaigning for the vote was mostly peaceful, sporadic clashes were reported between supporters of rival parties in some parts of the country.

It is understood, however, that the elections were largely peaceful with the NEC confirming that voting went well.

Polls opened at 8:00am and closed at 6:00pm (local time) according to a team of observers from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Logistical problems were recorded in some parts of the country, forcing some voters to wait hours to vote.

Election materials were delayed by flooding in Sinoe and Rivercess counties, NEC also confirmed.

With the results of the election yet to be announced, political candidates and their parties must uphold their commitment to the Farmington River Declaration and allow for a free and peaceful political atmosphere.

Liberia is still reeling from a 14-year civil war that ended in 2003 and left 250,000 people dead, and an Ebola epidemic between 2013 and 2016 that killed thousands more.

Photo source: Brittany Danisch


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