Liberia: Lions Club Feeds Zeon Residents

Cape Mesurado Lions club has fed more than 500 residents of Zeon town, Liberia, in observance of Lions international Feed the Hunger day.

President of the Cape Mesurado Lions Club, Maakai Kennedy-Amblard, along with the club’s senior executives prepared and distributed food to the residents of Zeon.

Development Diaries understands that the beneficiaries of the meal were mainly children, students, and the elderly citizens.

Amblard admonished the community to be steadfast, supportive of the community leadership, and work towards ensuring that they live in a clean and peaceful environment.

The beneficiaries praised the club for reaching out to them and promised to remain peaceful and law-abiding.

The Mesurado Lions Club is a member of Lions Club International which meets the needs of local communities and the world.

Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organisation with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs in over 206 countries and geographic areas.

Source: New Dawn Liberia

Photo source: New Dawn Liberia


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