Liberia: BRAC Donates to Covid-19 Fight

The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), a non-governmental organisation in Liberia has donated disinfectants along with protective gear to the Government of Liberia through the National Response Centre of Covid-19.

The Country Director of BRAC Liberia, Idrissa Bernard Kamara, praised the Head of the General Services Agency and National Coordinator of the Covid-19 Response Unit, Madam Mary T Broh, for the level of work done in coordinating the national Covid-19 response centre.

He said, ‘Madam Broh, I wish I could have shaken your hand but I cannot. I am not happy to be here, but at the same time, I am happy that BRAC Liberia can give its contribution to the [Covid-19] response team. We have not been able to present these items…to [any] other person than Madam Mary Broh, given your exquisite history in Liberia’.

The organisation donated Klin powder soap, bar soaps and rain boots to the centre. Kamara added that ‘we cannot survive without these items. Again, we are here to make this simple but important donation to the Government of Liberia. We have 200 pairs of rain boots that we think will be very, very much needed for contact tracing. We also have 350 boxes of [K]lin powder soap and 700 cartons of bar soap. These are all part of what is needed in the Infection Prevention Control (IPC) aspect of the [Covid-19] response. We cannot survive without these items’.

He added that the organisation has been carrying out Covid-19 sensitisation and awareness campaigns in several communities in Montserrado, Margibi, and Bomi Counties.

‘I think the [Covid-19] response is now picking up constructively but still, there are gaps. People have not fully understood the gravity of the virus. BRAC Liberia has done a lot in terms of engaging communities on awareness campaigns. We have done radio programmes to expand our response to the different communities’, he said.

Madam Broh appreciated the organisation for their work. She noted that contact tracing is very important to this Covid-19 response.

‘In the fight against this virus, we need those boots. We need those soaps to wash our hands. Thank you for thinking about us and believing in me to come and deliver these items, and what you want us to use this thing for will be used for the intended purpose. We are here to make sure that we contain, prevent, and we will also fight this virus’, she added.

Source: Front Page Africa

Photo source: Sergio Santos


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