Kenya: WFC Donates to Children’s Homes

Kenyan foreign-based footballers are using their foundations to help curb the spread of Covid-19 in Kenya by donating foodstuffs and medical equipment to the needy. Kenyan Premier League side, Wazito FC (WFC), one of the few financially endowed in the country has made donations to seven children’s homes which have seen a reduced number of visitors due to the restrictions put up to contain the virus. The children’s homes visited are in Mathare, Embakasi, Lang’ata, Ruiru, Kangemi, Valley Road, and Kasarani.

The Chief Executive Officer of WFC, Dennis Gicheru, stated, ‘As a club, we decided to stand with one of the vulnerable groups in society. During such times, children in orphanages and children’s homes tend to be forgotten and after consultations, we made a decision to help make the situation better for them during this period by donating foodstuffs and other sanitisation products, equipment, among other things.

‘We have a corporate social responsibility that goes beyond playing football in the stadia. We want to impact lives and make society a better place to live in, we will definitely do more to impact lives for our people. I urge other [w]ell-wishers to show empathy to the needy during this difficult period, be a brother’s keeper’, he added.

They are also using the opportunity to pass the important message of handwashing and physical distancing as part of the preventive measures in curbing the spread of Covid-19.

Source: Capital FM

Photo source: The Global Orphan Project


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