Kenya: NGOs Urged to Boost Civic Education Efforts

During the launch of the NGO Coordination Board’s strategic plan, which also marked the start of the NGO Week in Nairobi, Kenya, the Interior Cabinet Secretary, Fred Matiang’i, appealed to non-governmental organisations to get involved in civic education around the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report.

He noted that the report highlighted many issues that need to be explained to the public hence the need for NGOs to help break those issues down. More importantly, he encouraged the NGOs to continue to be involved in continuous voter and civic education. In his statement at the launch, he said, ‘Don’t wait for election time to start civic education. Do it now. Entrench integrity in the electoral process to address some of these challenges’. Matiang’i also acknowledged that Kenya would not have made the progress it has without the contribution of NGOs.

On the contribution of NGOs, information revealed at the launch showed that the NGO sector brought in Sh166 billion to various development projects in Kenya in the 2018/2019 financial year, compared to Sh153 billion in the 2017/2018 period. It also showed that the sector employs 79,000 and mobilises 39,000 volunteers.

Source: Standard Digital

Photo source: ICT Authority


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