ICCDI Engages Twitter Followers on Green Power

There is no disputing the great potential that Africa as a continent possesses, given its numerous natural and human resources, yet it is easy to see the numerous challenges it has to grapple with, ranging from poverty and education to terrorism.

The International Climate Change Development Initiative (ICCDI) in an effort to share thoughts and insights on environmental development and green energy with its followers tweeted, ‘Can Africa develop on Green Power?’ as a poll to gather people’s thoughts and perspectives on the issue.

95.7 percent of the 47 total votes picked ‘Yes’, while 4.3 percent choose ‘No’.

Irrespective of the belief that Africa as a continent can indeed develop its green energy, one cannot, however, overlook the challenges that need to be overcome to achieve such a lofty goal.

An environmentalist, Muhammad Al-Mahroof, shared his thoughts on the possibilities of achieving green power in Africa under the poll, outlining the key challenges that must be overcome.

He commented, ‘It may be tough but certainly it is possible[. W]e have got all that it takes. Fertile land, favourable weather condition, a reasonable period of sunshine. All we need is good leadership, partnership and collaboration to share knowledge and resources’.

Source: Twitter

Photo source: Michael Reinhart


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