Ghana: NGOs Organise Covid-19 Sensitisation

Ensign College of Public Health (ECOPH), Engage Now Africa (ENA) and Health 2 Go (H2GO) have organised Covid-19 sensitisation for some communities in the Ashanti, Eastern, and Volta Regions of Ghana.

Development Diaries understands that the sensitisation exercise was tagged ‘Team Archimedes: Covid-19 Behavioural Change Project’.

The project was aimed at educating community members on Covid-19 and the need for adherence to the safety guidelines in six selected communities in the aforementioned regions.

The NGOs also donated 4,000 pieces of face masks and public education materials on adherence to Covid-19 preventive protocols to members of the communities they visited.

The Country Director of Engage Now Africa (ENA), Madam Cecilia Amankwah, stated that the NGOs embarked on the project following a survey which showed that there were so many things the people were not aware of as regards Covid-19.

She added that they will keep coming to the community and their resident-based facilitators would be around to continue to sensitise the community members to keep encouraging them to continue to practice the protocols.

The Medical Director and Faculty at the Ensign College of Public Health (ECOPH), Dr Edward Kofi Sutherland, said that the NGO’s mission was to make the people aware of the need for a behavioural change as a necessary tool in curtailing the spread and the ravaging effects of the pandemic.

He urged the participants to observe the necessary protocols such as the washing of hands under running water regularly, applying alcohol-based sanitisers to hands, wearing of face masks, practising social distancing, and no shaking of hands among others to curb the spread of the virus.

Source: Joy Online

Photo source: Joy Online


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