Ghana: HAG Donates Fund to Needy Women

Herrada Africa Group (HAG), a non-governmental organisation in conjunction with Eblah Foundation (EF) has donated some funds to needy women in Ghana to help them go through the pandemic lockdown. The initiative, tagged ‘Help Her Quarantine’, sent cash relief to some families and single mothers.

The Founder of HAG, Blessed Agyemang, stated that the cash relief donation, disbursed through mobile money transactions, was to support needy women in Ghana whose small scale enterprises and petty businesses have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

She added that in order to help combat the deadly pandemic, it was important to extend helping hands to some women affected by the restrictions on movement as they only fend on the little they gained from hawking on the streets.

‘This online cash donation would help some of these women to support their families since they couldn’t get any means to provide food and other necessities for their children’, she said, adding that the donation was mostly in Accra and some parts of Kumasi, Sunyani, Takoradi, and Tarkwa.

HAG has made several donations to schools, hospitals, orphanages, and individuals over the years.

Source: Ghanaian Times

Photo source: Ken Chen


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